MZE Praxis logolamp

General Medicine

The basis of any good medical care is a good relationship with the general practitioner.


General Medicine

The basis of any good medical care is a good relationship with the general practitioner.

A variety of diseases

General medicine deals with the holistic care of patients and their families. In our general medical practices, it is important to us not only to treat a large number of clinical pictures, but also to ensure that they do not develop in the first place. In the context of a modern understanding of medicine, the prevention of avoidable diseases is becoming increasingly important.

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MZE Praxis wartezimmer

Long-term companions

In this area, our general practitioners see themselves as long-term companions for their patients, not just in the event of illness. We offer all recommended preventive services in the field of general medicine and advise you individually. Ask us about this service!

Decades of experience

In the event of illness, we can fall back on modern diagnostic measures and treatment methods from the conservative as well as surgical range of services. Our doctors have decades of experience, particularly when it comes to performing minor operations, such as the removal of skin blemishes.

MZE Praxis lampe

Our services

Minor surgery (surgery without general anesthesia)
Skin cancer prevention
Male cancer screening
Colorectal cancer prevention and education
Vaccination advice
Travel vaccination advice
Preventive examinations for the early detection of aortic aneurysms
Home care for immobile patients
Health examinations (check-up)
Sonographie examinations of the entire abdomen and the thyroid region
Lung function measures
ECG, stress ECG and long-term ECG measurements
ABPM measurements
Most modern and large blood tests
Participation in DMP programs
Patient education
Diabetes treatment
Polygrphy (sleep medicine diagnostics)