MZE Praxis logolamp

Sleep Medicine Diagnostics

Daytime sleepiness and reduced performance can be triggered by disturbed nocturnal breathing.


Sleep Medicine Diagnostics

Daytime sleepiness and reduced performance can be triggered by disturbed nocturnal breathing.

Little public attention

About 8% of the population suffer from a sleep-disordered breathing disorder. That's about 8 million people in Germany alone. The symptoms are exhaustion, tiredness during the day and limited performance. Very few are recognized, which is due to the lack of public attention and the lack of effective supply structures. An untreated sleep-related breathing disorder can lead to a statistical shortening of life expectancy by ten years. The quality of life of those affected is also severely restricted without a reason being recognizable. So many patients take refuge in alternative healing methods, although there is an organic and easily treatable disorder.

MZE Praxis lampe
MZE Praxis wartezimmer

Sleep medicine diagnostic methods

Our MVZ is licensed to carry out sleep medicine diagnostic procedures, the so-called polygraphy. Using this simple method, the doctor can determine with a high degree of certainty whether there is a nocturnal breathing disorder and initiate treatment immediately. Our patients are grateful that they have finally found an explanation for their martyrdom, some of which has lasted for years.